Victory for Shawclough Residents
New Crossing Installation Underway
After nearly two years of persistent campaigning, a much-needed crossing on Shawclough Road is finally becoming a reality.
For years, residents of Shawclough and Healey have raised concerns about the dangers of crossing Shawclough Road, particularly at the section that intersects Cycle Route 92. With parked cars frequently blocking sightlines and the road becoming increasingly busy, crossing safely has been a daily challenge for pedestrians and cyclists alike.
In response to these concerns, Andy Lord launched a campaign almost two years ago to advocate for the installation of a crossing to improve safety for all road users. This campaign has included countless conversations with local residents, discussions with council officials, and continuous pressure to ensure this issue remained a priority.
Andy told FOCUS that “I am delighted to announce that our efforts have paid off. Work has now started on installing the crossing on Shawclough Road. This is a significant step forward in making our community safer and more accessible for everyone, particularly for families, children, and those using Cycle Route 92.”
“This success wouldn’t have been possible without the collective voices of residents who supported the campaign and kept safety at the forefront of local priorities. Thank you to everyone who shared their concerns, signed petitions, and worked together to make this happen.”

Safety Delayed is Safety Denied
The recent success in lobbying Rochdale Council to extend double yellow lines in Fallowfield Drive was a victory for local residents and a testament to the power of community activism.
However, the council's announcement that implementation will be delayed for another year is a bitter pill to swallow.
Andy Lord told Focus that "Residents rightly question why it takes so long to address a matter of public safety, especially when the solution has already been approved."

Local roads and traffic
Please let us know how important issues such as potholes, speeding traffic, parking, and public transport are to you.